Play & Social Skills

Play & Social Skills Program

We provide Social Skills Training on an Individual basis or within a group program. This service is available to individuals whom have Autism, Developmental Delays, Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, Brain Injury, Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Disorders.

The service focuses on increasing the Individuals Social and Communication Skills. Individual programs are designed to promote success and encourage positive Self -esteem. We focus on skills needed in the home, school and community environments. This program targets the following areas:


The service is available in the home, school and community environments. We can also attend current social or recreational groups that the Individual is involved in and provide direct support and intervention within the group.

Play and social 2

Home Skills

Classroom Skills

Peer Interaction Skills

Play Skills

Coping with Emotions

Alternatives to Challenging Behaviours or Aggression

Self-help & Life skills Program

We design programs to provide opportunities on an Individual basis or within a group program to learn self-help and Life skills. This service is available to individuals whom have Autism, Developmental Delays, Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, Brain Injury, Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Disorders.

The service focuses on increasing the Individuals Personal Responsibility and Independence. Individual programs are designed to promote success and encourage positive Self -esteem. These programs practice both gross  and fine motor skills as well as oral motor, which can increase the child's confidence to try new things and develop their independence. We focus on skills needed in the home, school and community environments. This program targets the following areas: Dressing, Eating, Hygiene Routines, Personal Responsibility, Safety, and More!


The service is available in the home, school and community environments. We can also attend current social or recreational groups that the Individual is involved in and provide direct support and intervention within the group.


Dressing Skills

Eating Skills

Hygiene Routines

Personal Responsibility

Safety Skills

Bathroom Independence

Mealtime Etiquette