ABA/IBI Services

ABA/IBI Program in Canada

The combination of our extensive experience, qualified professionals and dedication to our clients and your family, makes Leaps and Bounds a leader in Applied Behaviour Analysis in Canada.  Our program has Professionals and Psychologists with over 20 years’ experience dedicated to helping Individuals reach their maximum potential regardless of their age.

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Our centre based program is unique to Ontario, our programs target the following areas:

Attention Skills

Challenging Behaviours

Cognitive Skills

Expressive Language

Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Group Skills/Training

Imitative Skills

Play and Social Skills

Pre-Academic and Academic Skills

Receptive Language

School Readiness Skills

Self Help Skills


Programming is individualized for each child based on a functional and developmental assessment. Programs are based in part, based on a task analysis and data collected daily. The programming is reviewed by a Senior Therapist and Clinical Supervisor.

Teaching Principles

Generalization Strategies


Shaping Strategies

Cold Probe

Functional Communication Training

Prompt-Fading Techniques

Discrete Trial Procedures

Task Analysis of Behaviour

Sensory Integration Techniques

Natural Environment Teaching


Individualized Programming

The IBI/ABA program is developed to each individual’s strengths and needs. Leaps and Bounds provides centre based IBI/ABA specialized programs. This service can also be provided in home, foster-care homes, group homes, daycare center, pre-schools and schools as permitted by the facility or the Board of Education. The program can also be reviewed by a registered Psychologist or BCBA, whom has extensive training in the area of Applied Behavioural Analysis.

Other Programming available at the center-based program are:

Behaviour Management



ICR Therapy

Play and Social Skills development


March break and summer camps

Educational support


ABA/IBI Testimonials